Saturday, December 8, 2007

Watermark Parents: Special Parenting Sharing 12/8 - Amy Li


Hi Parents,

This Saturday,the 8th, Church has a Mass for
聖母無染原罪 at 7:30. After the Mass, should be around
8:30, there will be a sharing for the parents. Haihsia
invites three guests-Chiu Tze Chin, Liao Huan Chung
and Kuo Wu Mei to share their experiences dealing with
teenagers. It should be at Room #2 or #1.
The snacks will be prepared by Alice Tong, parent from
San Mateo Church.

May God bless you and your family.

Watermark Room Mom

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blog article/Hai Hsia

I found a very good article. May be you can share it with all the parents who want to come.
God bless.
Hai Hsia

I found a second one soon after the first one. Same author. Do you
mind add the second one to the new blog you have? Thanks.
Did you have a chance to read that article? What do you think?
God bless.
Hai Hsia

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bible Study - This Saturday, Dec 1st/Amy Li

Hi Parents,

This Saturday Tony Fu will lead our Bible Study. We
will discuss Gospel John chapter 6:1-15. It is about
the miracle that Jesus feed 5000 men with five bread
and 2 fish.
The time is from 7:45 till 9:45 at room 2. Hope to see
you there.

May God bless you and your family.

Watermark room mom

Monday, November 26, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

After the football game...

After Watermark's annual After-Thanksgiving football game, we had our 2nd informal gathering, mostly with parents from San Mateo stuck in the South Bay...
  • Had a delicious lunch
  • Sent kids over to play some miniature golf
  • Went over to Fantasia for some delicious hot bubble tea and desert


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bible Study-This Saturday, the 17th/Amy Li

Hi Parents,

This Saturday Patrick's Dad, Joseph Ku will lead our
Bible Study.The kids will continue Gospel John chapter
5, a story about Jesus's healing on a paralyzed man.
Joseph suggests the reflection points are:
1.What are the conditions of all the miracles occurred
during Jesus time?
2.What is the true meaning behind all these healings?
3.How do we convey these super-nature things to our
Wish to see you at room 2, from 7:45 till 9:45.

Watermark room mom

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Watermark-This Saturday Nov 10th/Amy Li

Hi Parents,

Please come to join us studying Bible at room 2 this
Saturday. The passage will be the same as the kids,
John 4:46-54. The time is from 7:45 till 9:45.

May God bless you and your family.

Watermark room mom

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Rec Night for Parents - Our first informal gathering

While kids are having the infamous "Rec Night", parents had a nice relaxing dinner and met in Cupertino to discuss the format of the future of Watermark Parents' Bible study.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Welcome High school parents!

Dear Parents of the high school students of our community,

You are receiving this email because you have a son and/or daughter
that attends Sunday School Class or Saturday night Bible Studies at
SJCCC. I apologize that some of you may be receiving this email
twice. That is because we group the students as well as the parents
into different class groups and if you have two students you may be
receiving general announcement emails twice. This email list will not
be regular. It will be used for special announcements for different
events that come up throughout the year for our youth group program.
Our general youth program is named Watermark and was started in 1993.
If you would like to be removed from this email list, please reply and
just let us know. If you know of other parents of high school
students that have not received this email, please let henry know.

Announcements 2 and 3 applies specifically for the parents!

1. OCT 20: Our twice a month (1st and 3rd Saturdays) study session
will be in effect this Saturday at 5:30pm. This is an enforced quiet
time for study, reading, or general homework. There is also some time
where students can ask questions, and speak to Cathy Wang, a young
adult volunteer, about any career/college questions for guidance.

2. OCT 20: There's going to be a community wide potluck in the parish hall.
It's open to the whole community and starts at 5pm to 9pm. This
potluck will be a fun place to meet old and new people of our

3. OCT 27: Henry is inviting you and all the parents of high school
students to come on Saturday night to start a high school parent's
group. You and all the parents of the high school students of our
community is invited to come! Hopefully, this group can serve as a
way to better know each other and build community as well as discuss
interesting topics dealing specifically with high school students and
their lives to spirituality and faith for high school students, to the
Bible and God's work in our lives as parents of high school students.
The first meeting will be 7:30pm on 10/27 and will end about 9:30pm in
one of the classrooms at St. Clare's.
The first topic will be about the phenomena of "Young Adults" and
their experiences growing up and it will be presented by a small panel
of young adults from our community. This may be helpful for families
with high school students preparing for their future because it will
explore what today's high school students' futures may be. Please
come and we can also decide how often we should meet!

NOVEMBER: Thanksgiving football on Thanksgiving Friday at 9am at
Miller Jr. High field.

DECEMBER: Broomball, more details and permission slips to come!

Thank you for reading all the way through and thank you for allowing
your children to take part in this community! We are blessed by their
presence and will be more blessed with yours!

Watermark High School Ministry

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Watermark Parents - a group is born

Thanks to the wonderful folks at the SJCCC Watermark YAGs (Young Adult Group), not only leading our High School kids in weekly Bible studies, they also helped organizing us the parents as a group. Here is a few pictures before 'Watermark Parents' group... kids are having a joyful time inside a warm Bible study and parents (and a little sister) waiting in the cold...