Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fwd: Free Parents Seminar on Healthy Relationship, Love and Sexuality

Hi Watermark Parents,

Please see below the information from Stan Tsai (Luke and Bethany's dad) about a seminar that can be beneficial to parents of teenagers.  Since we will not have a WM parents group activity in April, it would be great if you can take advantage of the opportunity to attend this event.


On 3/17/2011 10:07 AM, Stan Tsai wrote:
From: Melanie Lin
Here is the event that we talked about when we all met last time.  A seminar on how to talk to your teens about healthy relationship, love and sexuality.
Attached please find the flier for this event.  This seminar will be held at St. Joseph church on Saturday, Apr. 16th from 8 - 9:15 pm with light refreshments following the talk.
Please note that this seminar is not just about "sex".  It is about the complete and beautiful divine design that God puts in each and everyone of us which enables us to become a complete human being that is capable of having relationships and intimacy.
Please mark your calendar and if both parents can attend, that is always best.  If only one can come, please be prepared to take note because Amy provides lots of wonderful information.
I know you all have a busy life.  However, I believe this is one of the best gift you can give to your teens and your family by coming to hear Amy.  Amy will enlighten and entertain with her sense of humor and her professional expertise and show us ways to talk to our kids about these very sensitive and tough topics.
Please invite your friends, colleagues, families and neighbors who have high school age children.  It's always better to spread blessings to more people.
Feel free to contact Melanie if you have any suggestions or questions.
Blessings to all,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Results From 3/12 WM Parents Meeting

Dear WM Parents,

Here are the results from WM parents meeting on 3/12:

  • There will not be a potluck nor workshop in April due to Lent and Spring break schedule of many high schoolers.
  • Our next potluck will be 5/21.  It will be the last potluck for this school year.  3 parents volunteered to coordinate the potluck and plan a menu, and I will mail out the menu/sign-up email for that potluck around 5/8. 
  • There will also be a parents workshop on 5/21.  The subject and guest speaker will be announced in early May.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Re: March Watermark Parents Activity

Dear All,

FYI, WM kids are welcomed to the 6PM dinner even if they don't attend leaders meeting, but it would help make the volunteer parents' lives much easier if you could RSVP to me by this Thursday.  It is difficult for them to know whether to order food for 40 people or for 10 people without an idea.  Since it's not a potluck, everything purchased are more costly than homemade, and we don't want to order too much extra food when few are coming.  Although some parents offered to cover the extra expense, but I think it's always good to not be wasteful.

WM parents can RSVP to me as well.  WM parents are also encouraged to attend the parents meeting at 7:30PM so we know your input for the remaining 2 months (April and May). We would still like to hear from you even if you your input is that you don't plan to participate in any activities, just drop me a note, so we can determine if the effort is worthwhile.  Thanks.


Dear WM Parents,

After much thoughts and discussions, we have decided to take a break from potluck this month.  We will provide ordered food (Pizzas from Costco, pastas and bread sticks from Pizza Hut, and Subway sandwiches) at 6PM for the kids and young adults attending the 5PM leaders meeting on 3/12, Sat.  I will need help from Patrick to provide a head count for me by 3/10, Thursday, thank you.

For WM parents and other WM kids who wish to participate, please RSVP to me no later than 3/10, Thursday, so I can order enough food for everyone.  The parents will meet after dinner to discuss the April and May activities.  The cost will be $5/child, $6/adult, and will be collected at time of dinner.   Please remind your kids to prepare their own water.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Watermark Parents Activity

Dear WM Parents,

After much thoughts and discussions, we have decided to take a break from potluck this month.  We will provide ordered food (Pizzas from Costco, pastas and bread sticks from Pizza Hut, and Subway sandwiches) at 6PM for the kids and young adults attending the 5PM leaders meeting on 3/12, Sat.  I will need help from Patrick to provide a head count for me by 3/10, Thursday, thank you.

For WM parents and other WM kids who wish to participate, please RSVP to me no later than 3/10, Thursday, so I can order enough food for everyone.  The parents will meet after dinner to discuss the April and May activities.  The cost will be $5/child, $6/adult, and will be collected at time of dinner.   Please remind your kids to prepare their own water.
