Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Watermark Parents Activity

Dear WM Parents,

After much thoughts and discussions, we have decided to take a break from potluck this month.  We will provide ordered food (Pizzas from Costco, pastas and bread sticks from Pizza Hut, and Subway sandwiches) at 6PM for the kids and young adults attending the 5PM leaders meeting on 3/12, Sat.  I will need help from Patrick to provide a head count for me by 3/10, Thursday, thank you.

For WM parents and other WM kids who wish to participate, please RSVP to me no later than 3/10, Thursday, so I can order enough food for everyone.  The parents will meet after dinner to discuss the April and May activities.  The cost will be $5/child, $6/adult, and will be collected at time of dinner.   Please remind your kids to prepare their own water.


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