Friday, October 16, 2009

Watermark Parents: Invite friends to college planning informational seminar

Dear Watermark Parents,
Blessings to you and your family! Please don't forget to come to our special College Planning and Preparation Seminar for parents and invite a friend! (see information below for details.)

This is a well anticipated event, already more than 35 parents have registered, so RSVP asap to save a spot for you and your friend!

See you, and God bless,

PS, just fyi, the 世 界日報 newspaper article came out on Thursday, it may appear again on Friday. Check it out!

SJCCC Member eNews wrote:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace to you and your family!

Whatever is the path God prepares for our children, as parents, we need to understand the options so we can help our kids plan and prepare for their future. We are very happy to have expert counselors to give us a free college planning informational seminar for parents on Saturday 10/17. This event is being promoted on 世界日報, and you are encouraged to bring a friend who may be interested in this information. This is a good opportunity to bring them to our church, and have their high school teenagers check out the Watermark program (child care is also available). Please rsvp for yourself and your friends at

申請大學的準備與計畫: 歡迎高中生父母來參加
Time: 十月十七日 星期六 7:30-9:30 PM

因場地有限, 務請上網訂位 (姓名, 出席人數, 幼兒人數)

Location: Saint Clare School, Room 2, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
主辦: 聖荷西華人天主教會 – Parents of Watermark Youth Group

May God bless you and your family always,
Watermark Parents & SJCCC Evangelization Team

Monday, October 12, 2009

SJCCC eNews: Invite friends to college planning informational seminar

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace to you and your family!

Whatever is the path God prepares for our children, as parents, we need to understand the options so we can help our kids plan and prepare for their future. We are very happy to have expert counselors to give us a free college planning informational seminar for parents on Saturday 10/17. This event is being promoted on 世界日報, and you are encouraged to bring a friend who may be interested in this information. This is a good opportunity to bring them to our church, and have their high school teenagers check out the Watermark program (child care is also available). Please rsvp for yourself and your friends at

申請大學的準備與計畫: 歡迎高中生父母來參加
Time: 十月十七日 星期六 7:30-9:30 PM

因場地有限, 務請上網訂位 (姓名, 出席人數, 幼兒人數)

Location: Saint Clare School, Room 2, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
主辦: 聖荷西華人天主教會 – Parents of Watermark Youth Group

May God bless you and your family always,
Watermark Parents & SJCCC Evangelization Team

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Parent Seminar for College Planning and Preparation

Here are the pictures from the event, including blessings from Fr. Olivera


Dear Watermark Parents,
Whatever is the path God prepares for our children after High School, as parents, we need to understand the options so we can help our kids plan and prepare for their future. We are very happy to have expert councilors to give us a free informational seminar on Saturday 10/17. You are invited to join us.

In addition, you are encouraged to bring a friend who may be interested in this information. This is a good opportunity to bring them to our church, and have their teenagers check out the Watermark program (child care is available). Please rsvp for yourself and your friends at

申請大學的準備與計畫: 歡迎高中生父母來參加
Time: 十月十七日 星期六 7:30-9:30 PM

因場地有限, 務請上網訂位 (姓名, 出席人數, 幼兒人數)

Location: Saint Clare School, Room 2, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
主辦: 聖荷西華人天主教會 – Parents of Watermark Youth Group

May God bless you and your family always,

PS, the 世 界日報 newspaper article for this event came out on Thursday 10/15. Check it out!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Watermark Parents: 10/4 Gathering

Dear Watermark Parents,
Happy 中秋節!!

We had a GREAT time last week! The 三部輪唱 and 兩部合唱 was incredible, even though it was our first praising session as a group, amazing! Looking forward see you and your children this Saturday night! Here are a couple of updates:
  • Time: Saturday 10/4 7:30-10pm, welcome to join us after Holy Hour.
  • Location: St. Clare School, Room 2, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
  • Bible: Mk 10:2-16. Boy, 3 weeks of tough scriptures in a row! How are you going to talk to your kids about this one? :)
  • Child Care: for younger siblings is provided with activities (Room 3 if there are too many children for Room 2). Kids made friends and had a good time last time.
We are bringing the snack for the High School kids this time (have you signed up?).

May God bless and fill your family with Love, Joy, and Peace always,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watermark Parents: Mark your calendar!

Dear Parents of SJCCC Watermark High School students,
Good news! Please mark your calendar, we have two special guest sessions scheduled:
  • 10/17 (7:30-9:30pm): College application preparation and planning. We are inviting external experts to give us a talk.
    • 主題: 申請大學的準備與計畫 (for example: 選課/成績, SAT, 課外活動, 大學/主修, 公立/私立 大學, UC/Cal State/Community, fees/scholarship, resources, recommended processes for 9-12 Graders)
    • 主講者: 灣區著名專業指導申請大學老師 
    • 時間: 7:30-9:30pm, Saturday 10/17 (9:30-10pm - snacks, social, informal Q&A)
    • 地點: St. Clare Parish, Parish Hall North, 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050
    • 停車: St. Clare School, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
    • 對象: 所有有興趣之 9-12 年級 高中生父母 (天主教教友或非教友,皆竭誠歡迎)
    • 此講座完全免費, 但因場地有限,務請上網訂位 (姓名, 出席人數, 幼兒人數)
    • 高中生可參加 (Watermark) 團體活動及讀經, 幼兒有專人照顧
  • 11/21 (7:30-9:30pm): "Young Adults Talk-Teenager 心聲", this is provided by our beloved Watermark YAGs to talk about what they have gone through as teenagers in America, Silicon Valley, SJCCC, what they hear from our kids, and their advice to parents.
Here is a recap of the Watermark parents program for this year:
  • Consistency: We will be meeting every Saturday that Watermark High School meets, at the same time as Watermark, in the classroom #2
  • Common Bible Sharing: We will study the same scripture as the Watermark (so family can continue sharing)
  • Monthly topics: invite guest speakers and facilitated discussions on topics of importance to parents of teenagers
  • Watermark Support : provide support for our kids, such as snacks for our kids in Watermark. Please sign up with Amy Li ( or in the Watermark Parents Schedule.
  • Child Care for younger siblings is confirmed! (many thanks to Xiuli and Rae, see the Watermark Younger Siblings tab and provide feedback)
Please come join us! Here is the schedule: (feel free to sign up directly)

May God bless each one of our families always,

PS, you are on this email list because your kids were part of Watermark last year, or your kids are in the 9th-12th CM program this year. You are encouraged to stay and participate. If you feel you do not want to be on this list, please feel free to send me an email and let us know. Thank you very much!

Friday, September 25, 2009

9/26 Gathering

Dear Watermark Parents,
Just a reminder to see you at 7:30 tomorrow night! Here are a couple of updates:
  • Child Care for younger siblings is confirmed! (many thanks to Xiuli, see the Watermark Younger Siblings tab and provide feedback)
  • Watermark Support. First thing first, we need to provide snacks our Watermark kids. We will take turn, one student per week, starting with parents for Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and then Freshmen. Please sign up in the Watermark Parents Schedule.
May God bless and fill your family with Love, Joy, and Peace always,
+Tony & Wendar

Check out our new:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SJCCC Watermark Parents

Dear Parents of High School "Watermark" Students,
Peace to you and your family!

As you have high school children at SJCCC, we welcome your kids to our excellent Watermark program on Saturday nights (7:30-10pm Lower Church). Both of our kids are going through the program, and our family has been benefited immensely. The Bible study, praising, fun games, and friendship will impact our children for the life time. It is critical for us to take our kids away from computers, video games, and study for this weekly gathering.

As for you (and me), the
Watermark Parents, we are also getting support from the SJCCC Community. Fr. Olivera and several past Watermark parents have volunteered to support this program to address our needs/concerns and make the program a sustainable ministry. Here are the highlights:
  • Consistency: We will be meeting every Saturday that Watermark High School meets, at the same time as Watermark, in the classroom #2
  • Common Bible Sharing: We will study the same scripture as the Watermark (so family can continue sharing)
  • Monthly topics: invite guest speakers and facilitated discussions on topics of importance to parents of teenagers
  • Watermark Support : provide support for our kids, such as snacks for our kids in Watermark
  • Child Care: If there is a need, we plan to provide child care for younger siblings (if parents can rotate)
Watermark is important for your children, and Watermark Parents is YOUR support group! Come join us this Saturday.千萬別錯過這個難得的機會!

May God bless you and your family always,
+Tony & Wendar

Friday, March 6, 2009

I lived, I loved [forwarded from Hai Hsai]

Dear Watermark Parents,
Sharing a very touching article Forwarded from Hai Hsia: (see below for details)

See you Saturday at the Watermark TJ Parents meeting!

May God bless your family with a very joyful weekend!

Fwd: Fw: 本文作者陳海珊是葉同學於花蓮海星高中就讀時的老師
Hai Hsia Chen
Wed, 4 Mar 2009 09:21:58 -0800

岳修女寄來這 e-mail, 與你分享.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tecla yue
Date: 2009/3/4
Subject: Fw: 本文作者陳海珊是葉同學於花蓮海星高中就讀時的老師

--- On Wed, 3/4/09, CLCROC wrote:
Subject: Fw: 本文作者陳海珊是葉同學於花蓮海星高中就讀時的老師
To: "1良師益友"
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 3:19 AM

Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 3:07 PM
Subject: Fw: 本文作者陳海珊是葉同學於花蓮海星高中就讀時的老師

----- Original Message -----
上個月 清大學生葉昊定 因學校疏失觸電身亡

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Watermark parent: TJ09 Parents Meeting 3/07/2009 7:30 pm

Dear TJ Parents,

We are happy to receive your kids' applications for Tijuana mission trip. Total of 26 high school students have signed up for TJ 2009. We need all the support from you to make the trip possible.

Please come to our first TJ Parents Meeting this Saturday. Your kid(s) can join the Watermark Bible study at the Lower Church at the same time.

Date: 3/07/2009
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Place: St. Clare School room 1, across from St. Clare Church
941 Lexington St. (at Lafayette St.), Santa Clara

We will identify the sub-committee members to help out the needed tasks, and go over the safety concerns, event dates, and Q&A.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Feiwen at

God Bless,

TJ Committee

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Watermark Parents: What's my purpose?

Dear Watermark Parents,
Just a reminder that there is no Parents Bible Study this week, please attend the Prayer Group or other local Bible Studies.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, I'd like to share with you several amazing experience on the Ash Wednesday at:
I trust you will be amazed and I hope you will be encouraged.

Also, I just took out my "Purpose Driven Life" (
標 竿人生) book again for a chapter a day this Lent. Let me know if you'd like to walk this 40 days with me.

May God bless your family always,
Check out our new:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Watermark Parents: We have never seen anything like this

Dear Watermark Parents,
We will meet this Saturday at 7:30 to share the same Gospel passage as our kids. The Gospel shows us Jesus saw the faith of the paralytic and told him "child, your sins are forgiven" and "rise, pick up your mat, and go home." The man was healed and everyone was astounded and glorified God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this."

It was a very memorable day last Saturday, while Wendar and I took part of the Valentine's 25th Year Anniversary blessings with the Bishop (see event blog/pictures), our kids went to Berkley's famous People's Park to serve lunch for the homeless (see Brandon and Daniel's blogs). We all had a life changing experience.

Let's come together and share some songs and prayers, share our joy, our pains, our fears, our hope, and our frustrations, and together we will see what amazing things God has done in our lives and what's in store for the future.

May God's blessings be with our families always,

Check out our new:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tijuana Ministry registration

Dear Watermark Parents,
Peace to you and your family!

Please see email from Hai Hsia about this year's Tijuana Ministry registration.

God bless,
PS, thanks to Feiwen, the
registration form is also available at:

Fwd: [tjcommittee] TJ09 - Committee Meeting Minutes 2009-01-11
Hai Hsia Chen
Mon, 9 Feb 2009 10:19:38 -0800
Tony Fu

Dear Tony, here is a letter I wrote to the parents of Watermark. Please forward. Thank you and God bless.
各位親愛的Watermark 家長:
又到了一年一度 TJ 報名的時候. 這工程浩大, 費時費錢又費力, 令主辦人擔心, 傷腦筋的事, 我有點私心
的建議 core team 停辦 算了. 這些勇敢的家長們, 看到年輕人在這 TJ project 中能得到的好處, 都願意
既然如此, 我就自告奮勇, 寫信鼓勵大家把握機會, 讓你家的年輕人, 去體驗一下 常年呆在 他們 comfortable
zone 裡永遠無法感受到的體驗. 至於已去過的, 仍想去的年輕人, 更要鼓勵他們, 讓他們去. 因為, 很多的
leadership, 在第二年, 第三年, 才有機會發展到極至.
附 報名表 若您需要 可download.
祝您受惠良多 主祐平安

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Re: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Dear brothers and sisters,
Thanks for a very wonderful session with old friends and new friends (Grace and her talented daughter Jessica). Check out our pictures!

Hope to see you at our next gathering at 2/21.

May God bless your family with peace and joy always,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Dear Watermark Parents,
We'd like to resume the Bible studies for parents on odd Saturdays of the month, so people can attend prayer group and other Saturday Bible studies on even Saturdays. Please join us tomorrow night 2/7.

Our Gospel this week is from Mark 1:29-39 (, the beginning of Jesus' ministry with healing and preaching. I'd love to share my personal experience in the beginning of my faith journey as well as my experience from the workshop last week. As today's scripture reading says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever", we know that he is with us and loves us always. Let's enjoy our journey with joy and hope.

Here is a beautiful viral Christian powerpoint from Alice for your contemplation and enjoyment:

May God bless you and your family always,
Check out our new: