Friday, April 1, 2011

Watermark April 16h Kids and Young Adults Dinner

Dear Watermark Parents,

As you might know from my previous email, this school year's final potluck and workshop will be on 5/21.  However, Patrick wishes to still have a dinner gathering with the Watermark kids on April 16th after the WM leaders meeting, so we will order Costco pizzas for them.  Thank you very much, Xiuli Chu and Junfen Wang for volunteering to order, pickup, deliver the pizzas, and the setup and cleanup for this event.  In addition, Xiuli and Amy will prepare some salad, fruits, drinks, and desserts for the kids, thank you both for your generosity.

We estimate 35 kids and young adults will attend, so we will order 8 Costco pizzas (Patrick suggests 4 combos, 2 cheese, and 2 pepperoni) that will total to about $90.  I am inviting Watermark parents to help share the cost by donating money to endorse this event.  Please email to me the amount you can support, and I will be at Watermark this Saturday (4/2, 7:30PM) and at church this Sunday (4/3) to collect your donation.  Thank you very much in advance for your generosity and your support for Watermark.  (Please note, this is not an April Fools' joke. )
