Saturday, May 21, 2011

Watermark Activities Photos From May 21st

Dear All,

Hope you all had an enjoyable and informative year with the Watermark parents, have a great summer.

Here's a link from last night's Watermark and WM Parents' activities:


Friday, May 20, 2011

Final Update & Reminder: 5/21 WM Potluck and Parents Workshop

Dear Watermark Families,

The last WM potluck and parents workshop of the year will be on May 21st (Sat.), 6PM at lower church.   Thanks to the 11 families supporting the potluck, please see the sign up list below, please bring serving utensil for the dishes you bring.  Many hanks again to Xiuli, Feiwen and Amy for hosting the potluck and for the menu design with the "Time to Wrap Up" theme.  Please don't forget to bring your own eating utensils.

春捲 :Egg rolls (18人份) - Amy
春捲 :Egg rolls (18人份) - Wendar
餛飩:Wonton ( about 40 粒 ) - Maria Tsai

Curry 餃 ( about 40 粒 ) - Anita
牛肉 : Beef wraps (36 人份) - FeiWen
春餅:Vegetable and meat wraps ( 18 人份) - Xiuli
壽司:Sushi  (18 人份) - Wendar
壽司: Sushi (18 人份) - Catherine Wong (Martin's mom)
麵飯類: Fried rice (18 人份) - Junfen
素菜類:Vegetables,tofu,bean curd or eggs (18 人份) - Rebecca Lei
素菜類: Vegetables, tofu,bean curd or eggs (18 人份) - Andy Wong (Rebecca's dad)
葷菜類:Pork (12 人份) - Maria Chen
葷菜類: Chicken (12 人份) - Amy (orange chicken)

This month's parents' workshop subject will be " 社交網路及臉書 - Social Network & Facebook", Tony will be our speaker, and we will meet in room #2 from 7:45PM to 9:30PM.  Some of the the various topics to be covered include:
  • 不同種的社交網路 - Different types of Social Networks
  • Facebook 的許多用處 - Many benefits of Facebook
  • 如何使用 Facebook - How to use Facebook
  • 使用 Facebook 時的禮貌 - Facebook Etiquette
  • 使用 Facebook 時如何保護自己 - how to protect yourself when using Facebook

Friday, May 13, 2011

Last WM Potluck and Parents Workshop of the Year 5/21 - Update #2

Want to take this opportunity to thank Feiwen, Xiuli, and Amy for planning this month's potluck menu.  The theme is "Time to Wrap Up", therefore many of the items are wrapped food with some kind of "skin".  What a creative idea!   Please see updates to the sign-ups below.
Dear Watermark Families,

The last WM potluck and parents workshop of the year will be on May 21st (Sat.), 5PM at lower church.   Since we are expecting more people to come to this potluck, and we have to make sure there's sufficient food for everybody, so please sign up no later than 5/19 (Thur.)  Thank you.

春捲 :Egg rolls (18人份) - 1 family
春捲 :Egg rolls (18人份) - 1 family
鍋貼,餛飩, 燒賣:Pot Stickers,Wonton or Shaw-my ( about 40 粒 ) - Maria Tsai (
餛 飩)
鍋貼,餛飩, 燒賣Pot Stickers,Wonton or Shaw-my  ( about 40 粒 ) - 1 family
牛肉 : Beef wraps (36 人份) - FeiWen
春餅:Vegetable and meat wraps ( 18 人份) - Xiuli
春餅: Vegetable and meat wraps (18 人份) - Amy
壽司:Sushi  (18 人份) - Wendar
壽司: Sushi (18 人份) - Catherine Wong (Martin's mom)
麵飯類: Rice or noodle dish (18 人份) - 1 family
麵飯類: Rice or noodle dish (18 人份) - 1 family
素菜類:Vegetables,tofu,bean curd or eggs (18 人份) - Rebecca Lei
素菜類: Vegetables, tofu,bean curd or eggs (18 人份) - Andy Wong (Rebecca's dad)
葷菜類:Chicken, pork or beef (12 人份) - Maria Chen (pork)
葷菜類: Chicken,pork or beef (12 人份) - 1 family
葷菜類: Chicken, pork or beef (12 人份) - 1 family

This month's parents' workshop subject will be " 社交網路及臉書 - Social Network & Facebook", Tony will be our speaker, and we will meet in room #2 from 7:45PM to 9:30PM.  Some of the the various topics to be covered include:
  • 不同種的社交網路 - Different types of Social Networks
  • Facebook 的許多用處 - Many benefits of Facebook
  • 如何使用 Facebook - How to use Facebook
  • 使用 Facebook 時的禮貌 - Facebook Etiquette
  • 使用 Facebook 時如何保護自己 - how to protect yourself when using Facebook

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Last Watermark Potluck and Parents Workshop of the Year May 21st

Dear Watermark Families,

The last WM potluck and parents workshop of the year will be on May 21st (Sat.), 5PM at lower church.   Since we are expecting more people to come to this potluck, and we have to make sure there's sufficient food for everybody, so please sign up no later than 5/19 (Thur.)  Thank you.

春捲 :Egg rolls (18人份) - 1 family
春捲 :Egg rolls (18人份) - 1 family
鍋貼,餛飩, 燒賣:Pot Stickers,Wonton or Shaw-my ( about 40 粒 ) - 1 family
鍋貼,餛飩, 燒賣Pot Stickers,Wonton or Shaw-my  ( about 40 粒 ) - 1 family
牛肉 : Beef wraps (36 人份) - FeiWen
春餅:Vegetable and meat wraps ( 18 人份) - Xiuli
春餅: Vegetable and meat wraps (18 人份) - Amy
壽司:Sushi  (18 人份) - Wendar
壽司: Sushi (18 人份) -1 family
麵飯類: Rice or noodle dish (18 人份) - 1 family
麵飯類: Rice or noodle dish (18 人份) - 1 family
素菜類:Vegetables,tofu,bean curd or eggs (18 人份) - 1 family
素菜類: Vegetables, tofu,bean curd or eggs (18 人份) - 1 family
葷菜類:Chicken, pork or beef (12 人份) - 1 family
葷菜類: Chicken,pork or beef (12 人份) - 1 family
葷菜類: Chicken, pork or beef (12 人份) - 1 family

This month's parents' workshop subject will be " 社交網路及臉書 - Social Network & Facebook", Tony will be our speaker, and we will meet in room #2 from 7:45PM to 9:30PM.  Some of the the various topics to be covered include:
  • 不同種的社交網路 - Different types of Social Networks
  • Facebook 的許多用處 - Many benefits of Facebook
  • 如何使用 Facebook - How to use Facebook
  • 使用 Facebook 時的禮貌 - Facebook Etiquette
  • 使用 Facebook 時如何保護自己 - how to protect yourself when using Facebook