Monday, January 16, 2012

Watermark Photos and Misc. Info

Dear WM Parents,

Many thanks to those of you who participated and supported Watermark's January Chinese New Year potluck, I've received many compliments on all the yummy dishes you've made!  I would like to especially like to express my appreciation to those of you who came in spite of the your busy schedules and even severe headache and dizziness, thank you very much for your steadfast support to the Watermark program!  I know it means a lot to the Watermark young adults as well as our highschoolers.  Here's a link to the photos to share with you:

The menu planner for our February potluck (2/11/2012) will be Margaret Chung and Jean Ng.  Please send your planned potluck menu to me by last day of January with your own signups, so I can send out the invitation email in early February, thank you very much.  If you need any assistance or have any question with the planning, please feel free to contact either Amy or myself.

Please also be reminded that the 9th grade parents will be in charge of the drinks and snacks for Watermark in February and March.   Sonia had kindly signed up to be the 9th grade coordinator, and the dates are: 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31.  Please contact Amy if you have any question regarding this matter.  Thanks.

Happy New Year,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

WM January CNY Potluck - FINAL

Dear Watermark Parents,

20 families have signed up for the January Chinese New Year potluck, thank you for your participation and support for the Watermark program.  I've left a few open items on the menu for additional families who wish to join us at the last moment.  Please don't forget to bring a serving utensil for the dish you bring, and to cut the food into single serving sizes before meal time.  Also, Please bring your own bowls/plates/cups and utensils if possible to help reduce trash production.  Thanks.

The potluck will be this Saturday,
January 14th, 6PM, at lower church
.   Please join us afterwards for parents' Bible study at 7:30 PM in room#2 (don't forget to bring your Bible).


咖哩角 (50 粒 X 1 family) -  Anita
水餃 (50 粒 X 2 family) - Xiuli, Ann Lee
鍋貼 potstickers (40 粒 X 2 families) - Junfen, Vivian Lee
春捲 eggrolls (25pcs cut half X 1 family) - Wendar
燙/炒青菜 (20 人份 X 2 families) - Rosa Tsai, Rose Kung
油飯 (15 人份 X 1 familys, Hong Kong Style) - Rebecca Lei
炒飯 (20 人份 X 3 families) - Hai Hsia, Vincent Lau, TBD
炒麵 (20 人份 X 2 families) - Feiwen, Wen-Ching
(20 人份 X 1 families) - TBD
炒年糕 (20 人份 X 1 families) - TBD
鼓油雞腿 (15 人份 X 1 families) - Jenny Lin
滷味- 豆干, 蛋, 牛肉, 海帶 (20 人份 X 1 families) - Amy
甜年糕 (20 人份 X 2 families) - Maria Ku, Maria Tsai
紅豆圓子湯 (20 人份 X 2 family) - Sonia Kuo, Maria Chen
水果/橘子 (20 人份 X 1 family) - Maria Chen
熱水 & 茶包 - Jenny Lin
2 gallons of water + 2 half gallons of juices -
Margaret Chung

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Watermark January (Chinese New Year) Potluck

Dear Watermark Parents,

Happy New Year!  Hope you had a relaxing break during the Christmas break.  Our next potluck will be January 14th at 6PM, and it will be Chinese New Year themed.  There resume the parents' Bible study every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month, so the next one will also be on January 14 at 7:30 PM.  Please sign up no later than 1/12 (Thur.) by reply to this email, thank you.  Please note that the WM potlucks are for the whole family, not just for the Watermark kids and YAGs, so please join us if you are able to show support to the program.  Thanks.

Special thanks to Jenny Lin and Anita Liao for designing this month's potluck menu.

咖哩角 (50 粒 X 1 family) -  Anita
水餃 (50 粒 X 2 family) - Xiuli, TBA
鍋貼 potstickers (40 粒 X 2 families) - TBA, TBA
春捲 eggrolls (25pcs cut half X 1 family) - Wendar
燙/炒青菜 (20 人份 X 2 families) - TBA, TBA
油飯 (15 人份 X 1 families) - TBA
炒飯 (20 人份 X 2 families) - TBA, TBA
炒麵 (20 人份 X 2 families) - TBA, TBA
鼓油雞腿 (15 人份 X 1 families) - Jenny
滷味- 豆干, 蛋, 牛肉, 海帶 (20 人份 X 1 families) - Amy
炒年糕 or 煎甜年糕 (20 人份 X 1 families) - TBA
熱水 & 茶包 - Jenny
