Thursday, January 12, 2012

WM January CNY Potluck - FINAL

Dear Watermark Parents,

20 families have signed up for the January Chinese New Year potluck, thank you for your participation and support for the Watermark program.  I've left a few open items on the menu for additional families who wish to join us at the last moment.  Please don't forget to bring a serving utensil for the dish you bring, and to cut the food into single serving sizes before meal time.  Also, Please bring your own bowls/plates/cups and utensils if possible to help reduce trash production.  Thanks.

The potluck will be this Saturday,
January 14th, 6PM, at lower church
.   Please join us afterwards for parents' Bible study at 7:30 PM in room#2 (don't forget to bring your Bible).


咖哩角 (50 粒 X 1 family) -  Anita
水餃 (50 粒 X 2 family) - Xiuli, Ann Lee
鍋貼 potstickers (40 粒 X 2 families) - Junfen, Vivian Lee
春捲 eggrolls (25pcs cut half X 1 family) - Wendar
燙/炒青菜 (20 人份 X 2 families) - Rosa Tsai, Rose Kung
油飯 (15 人份 X 1 familys, Hong Kong Style) - Rebecca Lei
炒飯 (20 人份 X 3 families) - Hai Hsia, Vincent Lau, TBD
炒麵 (20 人份 X 2 families) - Feiwen, Wen-Ching
(20 人份 X 1 families) - TBD
炒年糕 (20 人份 X 1 families) - TBD
鼓油雞腿 (15 人份 X 1 families) - Jenny Lin
滷味- 豆干, 蛋, 牛肉, 海帶 (20 人份 X 1 families) - Amy
甜年糕 (20 人份 X 2 families) - Maria Ku, Maria Tsai
紅豆圓子湯 (20 人份 X 2 family) - Sonia Kuo, Maria Chen
水果/橘子 (20 人份 X 1 family) - Maria Chen
熱水 & 茶包 - Jenny Lin
2 gallons of water + 2 half gallons of juices -
Margaret Chung

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