Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potluck and Gathering Photos and Other Info

Dear WM Parents,

Thanks to all the parents involved in planning and contributing to this month's
Valentine's potluck, and thank you, Joseph, for giving us an interesting and informative presentation on understanding Alzheimer's Disease.   Here's a link to the photos to share with you:

Next month's potluck will be on 3/10, and the menu planners will be Sonia and Christina, please send the menu to me by 2/28, thanks.  Please also be reminded that these are the people responsible for bringing drinks and snacks for Watermark gatherings in February and March:

02/25--Chen Woo (Katie)

03/03--Christina Wong (Andrew)

03/17--Yue Ming Tang (Belinda)

03/24--Yahuei (Shane)
03/31--Rose Kung (Annie)

Due to a pre-scheduled medical procedure, I will not be able to coordinate for the March potluck, please let me know if you can volunteer.  The task of the potluck coordinator is mainly to get the menu from the menu planners, then send out signup emails and other announcements.  The March parents gathering will be coordinated by Joseph Chiang, who will be inviting a guest speaker for a topical presentation that will be announced later.

Happy Valentine's,

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